Saturday 30 June 2012

Food Intolerance Facts

How Healthy Are You? This question should be asked more often. When we start thinking about our health, we begin to analyze our lifestyle and find the ways of how we can improve it. Food intolerance and food allergies play very important role here.
Food Intolerance Facts:

- People suffering with weight problems, stomach complaint, respiratory illnesses or general lethargy may not be aware that they have underlying food intolerance issues. Recent research shows that 1 in 3 people are intolerant to certain foods many go undiscovered for years.

- While most are familiar with health warnings associated with the excessive consumption of foods such as salt, fat and sugar. Many people can have intolerance for food that is regarded as healthy for us.

- Food Intolerance is Different to having an Allergic Reaction to Food: The difference between an allergic reaction to food and food intolerance is that an allergic reaction happens immediately while food intolerance is a delayed reaction.

Food intolerance expert, Martin Healy, answers questions on
Martin Healy, has been running the Fitzwilliam Food TEST Clinic in Dublin has specialised in food intolerance for 25 years.
He says that a simple blood test can help establish the intolerance you may have for certain foods.

Food Pyramid Revised

A New Food Pyramid was launched on TV3 Ireland AM that aims to provide essential guidelines for a healthy diet:

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Famous Japanese Diet

"Thanks to the relatively healthier Japanese diet and lifestyle, Japanese women and men live longer and healthier than everyone else on Earth," says Naomi Moriyama, co-author of Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen, "it concentrates the magnificent energy of food into a compact and pleasurable size." You don't have to cook Japanese-style to enjoy the diet's healthy foundations -- just eat more fish, vegetables, and fruit; serve smaller portions; eat mindfully and slowly; and add some healthy options like tofu and rice, Moriyama tells WebMD.

Water is Vital

Water Is Vital - Consume It!

Facts about water in summary:

  • Water is essential for the human body.
  • The body cannot store water and must have fresh supplies every day to perform virtually every metabolic process.
  • Babies and the elderly are vulnerable to lack of water or dehydration.
  • If you regularly don't drink enough water there is some increased risk of kidney stones and, in women, urinary tract infections.
  • Foods provide about one litre of fluid and the remainder must be obtained from drinks.
  • It is recommended that you consume around 8 glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration.
The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water!

Sunday 24 June 2012

Simply Fuller Longer Challenge

Kick starting your Simply Fuller Longer Plan

Watch this video and get inspired with Simply Fuller Longer Plan for yourself!

Kick starting your Simply Fuller Longer Plan, just follow the links provided below.
Read the blogger’s diary as she takes on the 4-week Simply Fuller Longer challenge

Your 7 days Summer Meal Planner from M&S

Summertime conjures up images of European Football Championship UEFA Euro 2012 and strawberries and cream.  If you’re prepared to get adventurous and creative in the kitchen, summertime can also offer a medley of flavours and ingredients ideal for picnics, barbecues and relaxed summer suppers – and you can even pick some of the ingredients yourself while enjoying your walking in the country!  Summer is also about embracing the new, and what better way to do this than trying your hand at new healthy food recipes.

This summer Marks&Spencer offers 7 Day Summer Meal Planner. Try this for yourself and see how you can develop your healthy eating habits and loose weight by keepimg feel fuller for longer!

Find out more at

Healthy Eating Tips

These practical tips provided by  website, cover the basics of healthy eating, and can help you make healthier choices:
  • Eat the right number of calories for how active you are, so that you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use. The average man needs around 2,500 calories a day. The average woman needs 2,000 calories. Most adults are eating more calories than they need, and should eat fewer calories.
  • Eat a wide range of foods to ensure that you’re getting a balanced diet and that your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs.
  • Drink plenty of water
    We need to drink about 1.2 litres of fluid every day to stop us getting dehydrated.
  • Have your breakfast
    A healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet, and provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. Wholemeal cereal, with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and nutritious breakfast.

Monday 18 June 2012

Jamie Oliver in Dublin

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver  is openening his first restaurant in Ireland with a location of his chain Jamie's Italian at Dundrum Town Centre in Dublin. The 4,500 sq ft, Italian-themed restaurant will open in the Autumn.
According to Irish Independent, Jamie Oliver described the project as "a dream come true for me because it's a city I've loved for many years.'' He said the restaurant would be about affordable and good food.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Food Pyramid becomes My Plate

For many people healthy living is mostly associated with a diet. Healthy and nutritious diet plays very important role and can help you look and feel your best easier than you might think!
Despite the variety of diets that you might see in some diet books, TV programmes and websites, healthy eating can be really straightforward. After been trying different diets, we often ask ourselves: Why this does not work for me?!
When it comes to a healthy diet, Balance is the key principal to getting it right. This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amout of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
On the website, you can personalize your experience by creating your profile, and get a plan tailored for you by using Super Tracker tool. To maintain a healthy diet, the My Plate shows you how much of what you eat should come from each food group.

Super Tracker

My foods. My fitness. My health.

 Get your personalized nutrition and physical activity plan.
 Track your foods and physical activities to see how they stack up.
 Get tips and support to help you make healthier choices and plan ahead.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Promoting Healthy Lifestyle

The idea to create Healthy Living & Wellbeing Blog was inspired by relevance of the topic and its popularity in modern life, as well as by influence of my own experience and desire to achieve and maintain Healthy Lifestyle.
I hope this blog will be interesting and provide you with some practical information on a variety of healthy living topics.  So read on, enjoy, and see if there are some changes that you can start making today!
First of all, we have got to find out for ourselves: What is Healthy Living?

Healthy Living is a Lifestyle!

Healthy living is about making healthy choices every day, which keep us fit physically, mentally and spiritually.
Healthy living means maintaining a healthy lifestyle and introducing habits that improve your health.
Of course, living healthier is a personal choice. And as individuals, there are many things we can do to positively influence our physical, mental, social and spiritual health and well-being.
You can find tens and even hundreds tips about healthy living. For me, all of these rest on three pillars.

The Bare Necessities of Healthy Living:
  • Eat Right

  • Be Active

  • Enjoy Your Life

Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire

Most of us know that for optimal health we need to eat healthy and get regular exercise. So before we go any further, it is absolutely important to figure out where are you at this point? What changes would be good to make, and how valuable would those changes be?
The best way to help give you an understanding of the importance of diet and lifestyle issues, is to start with healthy lifestyle questionnaire.