Tuesday 26 June 2012

Famous Japanese Diet

"Thanks to the relatively healthier Japanese diet and lifestyle, Japanese women and men live longer and healthier than everyone else on Earth," says Naomi Moriyama, co-author of Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen, "it concentrates the magnificent energy of food into a compact and pleasurable size." You don't have to cook Japanese-style to enjoy the diet's healthy foundations -- just eat more fish, vegetables, and fruit; serve smaller portions; eat mindfully and slowly; and add some healthy options like tofu and rice, Moriyama tells WebMD.
And here's 14 days famous Japanese diet from Healthy Dietpedia.com.
During this time you may only drink water between your meals. It is important to drink at least 8 cups of water per day. This diet does not allow any salt, sugar, alcohol, bread and any other foods except for the ones in the menu.
For best results do not make any changes to the Japanese weight loss diet menu. If you strictly follow this diet you will lose up to 15 pounds or even more depending on your initial weight and age.

Warning! This is a low calorie diet. Consult your doctor before going on a low calorie diet.
Do not repeat Japanese diet more that once a year as it may imbalance your metabolism.

Japanese Diet Menu

Day 1

Breakfast - black coffee or tea.
Lunch - 2 hard-boiled eggs, romaine lettuce salad with olive oil, one fresh tomato.
Dinner - broiled, steamed or boiled fish, romaine lettuce salad with olive oil.

Day 2

Breakfast - black coffee, one toast.
Lunch - broiled, steamed or boiled fish, romaine lettuce salad with olive oil.
Dinner - 8 oz broiled beef steak, one low fat plain yogurt.

Day 3

Breakfast - black coffee.
Lunch - one hard boiled egg, 3 large fresh or boiled carrots with olive oil and lemon juice dressing.
Dinner - apples.

Day 4

Breakfast - black coffee.
Lunch - one large root of parsnip or fennel, fried in olive oil, apples.
Dinner- 2 hard-boiled eggs, 8 oz broiled beef steak, romaine lettuce salad with olive oil.

Day 5

Breakfast - one fresh carrot, dressed with lemon juice.
Lunch - 16 oz large broiled, steamed or boiled fish, 2 cups of unsalted tomato juice.
Dinner - broiled, steamed or boiled fish, romaine lettuce salad with olive oil.

Day 6

Breakfast - black coffee.
Lunch - 16 oz steamed or broiled chicken breast, romaine lettuce salad with olive oil or steamed carrots.
Dinner - 2 hard-boiled eggs, fresh sliced carrot with olive oil and lemon juice dressing.

Day 7

Breakfast - green or black tea.
Lunch - 8 oz broiled beef steak, any fruits.
Dinner - choose whatever you want from previous days except for day 3.

Repeat the above Japanese diet menu from day 8 to 14.


  1. I have tried this diet just before my Wedding Day and was delighted with the amazing results that I achieved. I was very determined and got into shape just in couple weeks so I really enjoyed my Special Day!

  2. Very good diet. Strongly recommended!!!
